Phil Williams (Chair of the Trustees), Ben’s father, qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He has considerable experience of management consultancy, project and programme management and regulatory governance gained within public practice and the insurance industry. He has recently retired from his role with AXIS Capital as Head of Business Governance. Following Ben’s death, he has also been diagnosed with an arrhythmia, and therefore has considerable first hand knowledge of Inherited Cardiac services from both a parent’s and a patient’s perspective.

Gilly Williams, Ben’s mother, has recently retired from her role as a Principal Speech and Language Therapist, working for the Solent NHS Trust with pre-school children with special educational needs and specific language impairment. Before specialising in paediatrics, she also worked with adults with communication difficulties, resulting from severe trauma, strokes and progressive neurological disorders. She currently works on a part-time basis at St Dominic’s School in Hambledon and the Hunter Centre, Haslemere’s dementia day care centre.

Paul Grimwood is a qualified solicitor and Partner at IBB Law. He has specialised in litigation since qualification, including medical professional negligence, and is now part of the specialist contentious probate team. He is also an ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Group Accredited Mediator, registered with The Civil Mediation Council.

Debbie Grimwood is a qualified NHS Manager with extensive experience of working within both hospital and community based services. As a former manager of Haslemere Hospital and Surrey County Council home care services, Debbie has a keen interest in local health and social care issues and runs her own training and project consultancy business. Her business specialises in developing and running programmes of training for health and social services staff on the impact of caring for families and the importance of providing them with adequate support.

David Newman is a Chartered Physiotherapist specialising in sports related injuries. He was the physiotherapist for Hampshire Cricket Club from 1985 to 2003, and sat on the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Science and Medicine Advisory Group as Physiotherapy Advisor. His roles have included the ECB’s Injury Surveillance Officer, with the main responsibility for monitoring injuries within the First Class game in the UK, and the Honorary Secretary of the Physiotherapists in County Cricket. He has lectured extensively on sports injuries to fellow Sports Medicine practitioners at an International level and was medical officer for the 2019 cricket World Cup.

Jonathan Williams, Ben’s brother, graduated from Worcester College, Oxford in 2010, where he read Economics and Management and is working for HMRC as part of the Government Economic Service. Jonathan has provided a huge amount of support to the Trust behind the scenes, particularly as our IT guru, and has largely been responsible for the design and build of the website.